March 20, 2019 Partners Meeting
WORKPLACE SAFETY: How safe is your agency and how to address safety concerns. We will discuss one agency’s work and the obstacles they encountered in addressing workplace safety in a variety of settings; how they defined safety; assessed their vulnerabilities; how they developed emergency plans including preparation, response and staff training. The tools and training resources will be shared with the group
Susan Brady is the Director of Quality Assurance and Compliance for Northeast Arc. She has been in the field of QA and Compliance for almost 40 years. She worked as a licensor and a Quality Enhancement Specialist for the state before working for a variety of non –profits as a Director of Quality Assurance and Compliance. Susan is the chair of the Northeast Arc Safety Committee, which has received grants to provide workplace safety training for staff and has been responsible for the development of Workplace Safety Plans.
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This post was written by Patricia Cox
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