Age & Dementia Friendly Forums in Cape Ann Communities

SeniorCare will host four Community Forums throughout Cape Ann to begin a discussion on how Cape Ann can become more Age & Dementia Friendly.  Details here about the Forums to be held during the month of November in Rockport, Gloucester, Essex, and Manchester: ADF Forum Cape Ann

LGBT Rainbow Luncheon

St. Peter's Episcopal Church 24 St Peter St, Salem, MA

3rd Wednesdays of every month, St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Salem 11:00 AM - Coffee; 12:00 Noon - Lunch. More information at: Flyer for St. Peters LGBT lunch

Greater North Shore Link Partners Meeting

North Shore Elder Services 300 Rosewood Drive, Suite 200, Danvers, MA

Link Partners meet on the third Wednesday of every other month at North Shore Elder Services,  300 Rosewood Drive Suite 200 Danvers, Massachusetts. Lunch & Networking at Noon Meeting from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM Committee meetings occur as scheduled.  Meeting Notices are sent in advance of the meeting via E-mail.